It was a lovely summer’s afternoon and we were sitting in the garden, catching up and gradually getting down to business when a robin appeared on the fence and at that moment Tracey (one of my clients and friend) said, “That robin has been visiting me every time I come out here since my dad passed.”.
That statement stayed with me became my inspiration for the second concept I created to represent the J. W. Ice Cream Co. brand. Now, why am I talking about the second concept and not the chosen concept? Simple. Because I feel that a lot of the time our ideas that don’t make the cut are relegated to oblivion never to be seen or heard from again.
Fortunately, that didn’t happen. The clients loved both concepts so much that our problem now was to how to make use of both. The ‘Robin Seal’ idea was designed to embody the past, present and future of JWICC, taking the love that inspired the business, the meticulous, detail-focused passion that fuels the team to perfect every recipe, every batch and every scoop, as well as the vision to position them as an established competitor.
Ultimately, each concept lent itself to different functions within the visual identity process. The nature of the ‘Robin Seal’ and the fact that it was created to also stand as a promise of quality was a guide to us using as just that… a seal. A seal of quality assurance embodying the JWICC process that has no room for compromise and will only allow the best ice cream experiences to leave the production floor.
The branding process is ongoing so watch this space for more updates, in the meantime, JWICC may be coming to a market near you so like them on Facebook (@jwicclimited) and Instagram (jwicclimited) and stay up to date on their progress.